Marcus Royce (né Mark Smeby) has forged a path as a thriving independent artist for more than a decade, managing all aspects of touring, promotion, merchandising, and production. And performing—using his authenticity and talent over hundreds of performances from supporting large touring acts, to solo shows in schools, prisons, bars, places of worship, and businesses. He’s garnered worldwide fans in places like Japan, South Africa, Egypt, Brazil, Australia, and the United Kingdom. He gained extensive media experience on both sides of the camera and microphone, even racking up an impressive acting resume, including the internationally televised show “Nashville” and a handful of independent films.

His tour-de-force Beloved project encapsulates Mark’s heart and artistry—a stunning collection of love songs (half covers and half originals)—mature, adult-contemporary pop, like Michael Bublé or Billy Joel. Fans say Royce’s songs like “Something Good” or “Just Any Day” hit at the heart level, offering hope and encouragement to keep going through difficult days. Other original songs like the anthemic “Time For Hope” or “Pilgrim Man” cry out to be performed on large stages with orchestras and choirs, creating inspirational narratives that stir audiences’ hearts and bring them to their feet. A big part of Royce’s year has always been a Christmas tour, crafting three holiday-specific albums along the way. His “Mary, Did You Know” was the most downloaded holiday song on Amazon for three years.

When asked what he might say to his younger self, and in turn what he’d say to any aspiring artist, Royce said, “Learn to love every single part of yourself, deeply and thoroughly. Not in a prideful way, but in a loving, compassionate way. Be aware of areas where you need to improve and work on those. Find people who love you even when you aren’t performing. And try to create good balance between doing things that other people notice, and things they don’t notice that are simply for your joy. And if you focus your efforts and desires to be helpful and of service to other people, your life will shine with joy and meaning.

Marcus’s internal demons have been fought by letting go of how he thought it should all turn out—a challenging adjustment of expectations and gratitude for all he has experienced and been given by so many along his journey. It’s a newfound freedom that lets him be fully present in the moment, free to give his all on-stage or off, regardless of what he might get out it. And he couldn’t be more ready for this next chapter of his career.


Check out this sampler of some of the music I’ve recorded. I really hope it brings you a lot of joy. My life has been so deeply impacted by the right song at the right time, that hearing one of my songs has done that for someone else is one of my life’s greatest honors. I’ve recorded nine different projects — I know, that’s a lot! — and they are all available as physical CDs in my store (that’s the best way to support an indie artist!). You can also stream or download them on all the digital music outlets like Spotify, iTunes, Amazon, YouTube, etc. My favorite album I’ve recorded is called Beloved, hope you get to hear it!

All my music is available as physical CDs in my store (that’s the best way to support an indie artist!). You can also stream or download them on all the digital music outlets like Spotify, iTunes, Amazon,, YouTube, etc. My favorite album I’ve recorded is called Beloved, hope you get to hear it!


One of the great surprises of my 25 years in Nashville was the gift of a writing career. Yes, I write a lot of my own songs, but I’m talking about things like magazine articles, books, ad copy, liner notes, artist bio, press releases…that kind of stuff. Along the way, I’ve remained committed to my own projects. Check out my weekly newsletter: Crazy Hope. I hope you have an opportunity to check out The Messenger: A Journey Into Hope, the Live Hope Minute one-year devotional, or I Still Believe – the powerful story of Russ & Tori Taff. My latest book is called Losing Control and it’s about learning how to surrender control over life, other people, myself, and even God. Boy, it’s a doozie. It’s also available as an audiobook!

One of the great surprises of my 25 years in Nashville was the gift of a writing career. I hope you have an opportunity to check out The Messenger: A Journey Into Hope, the Live Hope Minute one-year devotional, or I Still Believe – the powerful story of Russ & Tori Taff. My latest book is called Losing Control and it’s also available as an audiobook!

Live Hope Minute

My Live Hope Minute is daily blast of hope I’d love send to your inbox each weekday – Get It Now Here. It’s also a daily radio feature nationally-syndicated in 300 radio markets around the US and Canada. I’m super thankful for all these stations who choose to air this! And also to BroadStreet Publishing who helped me turn these one-minute audio features into a one-year hardcover devotional book. Check out the FREE “Live Hope Minute” mobile app available for all mobile devices (phones/tablets) through the Apple & Google stores. And if you want dive into a 14-day reading plan on how to “Become A Champion of Hope,” please search for it on the Holy Bible app from YouVersion or on their website. You can also subscribe to the daily minute through your favorite podcast service like iHeart, Stitcher, Spotify, Apple, Spreaker, etc.

My Live Hope Minute is a daily blast of hope – Subscribe here now! It’s also a daily radio feature nationally-syndicated in 250 radio markets around the US and Canada. I turned these one-minute audio features into a one-year hardcover devotional book. Check out the FREE “Live Hope Minute” mobile app available for all mobile devices. You can also subscribe to the daily minute through your favorite podcast service like iHeart, Stitcher, Spotify, Apple, Spreaker, etc.